Episode 245

Cinnamon Desktop, KDE Plasma 6, Kali Linux, AI Alliance, 23AndMe Hacked & more Linux news


December 10th, 2023

21 mins 13 secs

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On this episode of TWIL (245), there is a new version of the Cinnamon desktop. KDE have announced the first Beta release of Plasma 6. Kali Linux has their end of the year release out. There is a new organization to further the development of AI in an open way. All of this and more on this episode of This Week in Linux, Your Source for Linux GNews!

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00:00 TWIL 245 Intro
00:28 Cinnamon 6.0 Desktop Released - [ link ]
02:11 KDE Plasma 6 Beta 1 Released - [ link ]
05:01 Kali Linux 2023.4 Released - [ link ]
06:36 Global AI Alliance Announced - [ link ]
08:22 LINBIT - [ link ]
09:47 Zorin OS 17 Beta Released - [ link ]
12:52 NixOS 23.11 Released - [ link ]
14:07 Red Hat's Work to Improve XWayland - [ link ]
16:14 23AndMe Hacked - [ [link](accessed-significant-number-of-files-about-users-ancestry/) ]
18:22 Steam Linux Marketshare Surges to Nearly 2% in November - [ link ]
20:25 Outro